The final moments of a tight-knit group of friends are filled with laughter, playfulness, and an unspoken understanding that everything is about to change. As they stand on the edge of a new chapter, university, college, or the unknown paths of life, there’s a bittersweet weight in the air. They cherish every joke and shared glance, knowing deep down that this bond will never be quite the same again.

Yet, even as they prepare to go their separate ways, they carry something priceless: the memories of a time when they belonged to each other in a way only youth and friendship allow. These moments, these late-night conversations, and these unbreakable connections will stay with them, shaping who they become.

Letting go isn’t easy, but it isn’t an ending; it’s a transition, a doorway to new adventures. As the night deepens, they exchange heartfelt goodbyes, holding onto the hope that no matter where life takes them, the ties that bind them will remain forever woven into the fabric of who they are.

CREATIVE DIRECTORS: John Laurie & Verity Griffiths / DIRECTOR / PHOTOGRAPHER: John Laurie @johnlauriephoto / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Tony Luu @tonyluudop / ART DIRECTOR: Kerrie Van Lambaart @kerrie_van_lambaart / HAIR & MAKE-UP DESIGNER: Verity Griffiths @missverityg for @StevieEnglishTV using @originalmineral / HAIR STYLIST: Joey Goodman @joeyxhair for  @StevieEnglishTV / MAKE-UP ARTIST: Mia Harrison @mia._.mua / LEAD STYLIST: Janai Anselmi @janaianselmi / STYLIST: Julia Baston @styledbyjuliab

KULT MODELS @kultmodels / MODEL: Pierce Jones @piercexjones / MODEL: Ayden M Williams @aydenmwilliz / MODEL: Mia Arlove @arlovemia / MODEL: Mila Gleeson @milagleeson / MODEL: Kaelan Madden @kaelanmadden / MODEL: Ryan Sui @_ryansui / MODEL: Kwesi @kwesiderkyi_ / MODEL: Jette @jette.o5 / MODEL: Sandali Jayasinghe @_sandali_ / MODEL: Noah Weinbren @noahweinbren / MODEL & CAR: Koby @kobyjohnstoney

1st AD: Naomi Enfield @naomienfield / 1ST AC: Jono Heighes @jonoheighesfilm / 2ND AC: Lars Forsingdal @lars.forsingdal1 / DIGI OP: Felipe Neves @felipemneves / DIRECTORS ASSISTANT: Ruby Schofield / CAMERA: @southerncrosscameras via @antpawley / GAFFER: @fldgaffer / SMOKE MACHINE: @dtfx_sydney / PRODUCTION ASSISTANCE: @loveridge_production_mgmt_ / EDITOR: Lissie Geyer @el_ai_es_es_ai_ee VIA @arc_site / COLOURIST: @sam.holman.colour / PROPS: David Trethewey @dtfx_sydney / PRODUCTION: Loveridge Production Management @loveridge_production_mgmt_