Issue #03:
Out Of The Shadows
Issue #03:
Out Of The Shadows
Even as they prepare to go their separate ways, they carry something priceless: the memories of a time when they belonged to each other in a way only youth and friendship allow. These moments, these late conversations and unbreakable connections will stay with them always, shaping who they will become…
CREATIVE DIRECTORS: John Laurie & Verity Griffiths / DIRECTOR / PHOTOGRAPHER: John Laurie @johnlauriephoto / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Tony Luu @tonyluudop / ART DIRECTOR: Kerrie Van Lambaart @kerrie_van_lambaart / HAIR & MAKE-UP DESIGNER: Verity Griffiths @missverityg for @StevieEnglishTV using @originalmineral / HAIR STYLIST: Joey Goodman @joeyxhair for @StevieEnglishTV / MAKE-UP ARTIST: Mia Harrison @mia._.mua / LEAD STYLIST: Janai Anselmi @janaianselmi / STYLIST: Julia Baston @styledbyjuliab
KULT MODELS @kultmodels / MODEL: Pierce Jones @piercexjones / MODEL: Ayden M Williams @aydenmwilliz / MODEL: Mia Arlove @arlovemia / MODEL: Mila Gleeson @milagleeson / MODEL: Kaelan Madden @kaelanmadden / MODEL: Ryan Sui @_ryansui / MODEL: Kwesi @kwesiderkyi_ / MODEL: Jette @jette.o5 / MODEL: Sandali Jayasinghe @_sandali_ / MODEL: Noah Weinbren @noahweinbren / MODEL & CAR: Koby @kobyjohnstoney
1st AD: Naomi Enfield @naomienfield / 1ST AC: Jono Heighes @jonoheighesfilm / 2ND AC: Lars Forsingdal @lars.forsingdal1 / DIGI OP: Felipe Neves @felipemneves / DIRECTORS ASSISTANT: Ruby Schofield / CAMERA: @southerncrosscameras via @antpawley / GAFFER: @fldgaffer / SMOKE MACHINE: @dtfx_sydney / PRODUCTION ASSISTANCE: @loveridge_production_mgmt_ / EDITOR: Lissie Geyer @el_ai_es_es_ai_ee VIA @arc_site / COLOURIST: @sam.holman.colour / PROPS: David Trethewey @dtfx_sydney / PRODUCTION: Loveridge Production Management @loveridge_production_mgmt_