Frank is a collection of eco-luxe, sustainably sourced, and ethically made womenswear.

Frank embraces the beautiful restraints of living with less. We are dedicated to eco-conscious clarity and sustainable living.

We believe in quality without compromise, beauty in imperfection and plants over pollution.

To be frank, we know the fashion industry has repercussions on the well being of the earth. Frank’s social responsibility is to do much better. From our fabric production to the smallest tags and labels, we hold ourselves to higher ethical standards.

We use organic hemp and hemp-cotton blends. Frank believes these fibers are the most beautiful in their raw and natural state. Cutting back on the refining process gives a new appreciation of natural imperfections in fabric and color.

Hemp is not just a beautiful textile, it also nourishes the earth. Hemp is filled with nutrients. As the plant matures, leaf matter falls to the ground and decomposes, replenishing the soil.

As Frank does its part to reduce waste, we encourage others to do the same. Let’s be frank and make the world a better place.